
Food Noise

I'm a weight-inclusive nutrition therapist, author and journalist who is super serious about helping people have a more peaceful, less complicated relationship with food and body. I also have a take-no-prisoners approach to nutrition and health B.S. in the media. Yep, it's gonna get loud, but I'll also bring you a lot of, "Whew...that's good to know."


Why weight-inclusive dietitians always have their work cut out for them

Food Noise from Carrie Dennett Why weight-inclusive dietitians always have their work cut out for them What happened at FNCE isn't staying at FNCE October 15, 2024 Sorry about the confusing subject line last Friday (it said it was a links + recommendations post, but it was really a media critique post). I was still recovering from being gone for five days for FNCE. Which is the subject of today's post. As I've mentioned previously, I love FNCE, because I love learning and I love catching up...

Friday Food Noise Links + Recommendations

Food Noise from Carrie Dennett Did I seriously just read that? When doctors rewrite history October 11, 2024 As promised, I’m going to unpack the October 1 opinion piece in The Washington Post, “How ‘obesity first’ health care is transforming medicine.” The piece is written by an emergency room doctor, and there is SO much to unpack that I decided to cut and paste chunks of the article below so I can respond to each one. Note that I also mention some additional articles about weight loss...

Unpacking internalized weight stigma

Food Noise from Carrie Dennett Unpacking internalized weight stigma Who's affected, and how? October 8, 2024 Like the headline says, I want to unpack internalized weight stigma, but first, let’s all get on the same page about weight bias, weight stigma (generally) and weight discrimination. Weight bias — negative, prejudiced attitudes and beliefs about individuals due to their weight — can have a profound impact on health. This bias, also known as anti-fat bias, may take the form of...

Friday Food Noise Links + Recommendations

Food Noise from Carrie Dennett Friday Food Noise Links + Recommendations Including what I'm reading and watching October 4, 2024 Happy Friday! As this newsletter lands in your inbox, I’m on my way to the airport to fly to Minneapolis for the Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo (FNCE), aka the annual meeting of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Otherwise known as the event that The Washington Post’s Anahad O’Connor likes to write conspiracy theory stories about. I haven’t been a member of...

Why are you hungrier than usual?

Food Noise from Carrie Dennett Why are you hungrier than usual? Sometimes there's no easy answer October 1, 2024 When you’re adept at tuning into your body’s hunger cues, able to notice gentle hunger and take steps to feed yourself before that hunger becomes ravenous, or primal, you’re probably also more tuned in to little things like being hungrier than usual. You might wonder what’s different. Meal timing? The amount you ate? What you ate? Sometimes there’s no rhyme or reason to why hunger...

AMA: How do I deal with jealousy from women?

Food Noise from Carrie Dennett AMA: How do I deal with jealousy from women? Ah, the legacy of diet culture September 27, 2024 It’s the final Friday of the month, which means it’s time to answer reader questions. This month, I have two interrelated questions: “How can I handle interactions with women after losing weight while practicing Intuitive Eating” and “How can I deal with women’s jealousy.” Excellent questions. First, let me provide some Intuitive Eating-related context. When someone...

Is your attitude getting in the way of habit change?

Food Noise from Carrie Dennett Is your attitude getting in the way of habit change? I mean that in the gentlest possible way September 24, 2024 If you find it challenging to make changes to health-related behaviors and stick with them — in other words, to form habits — yes, it’s probably your fault. [Cue record scratch.] Am I being mean by saying that? No, I promise I’m not. Just hear me out. I think we often approach habit change with the wrong attitude. We criticize ourselves. We strive for...

Did I seriously just read that?

Food Noise from Carrie Dennett Did I seriously just read that? Some raves, then some rants, about the latest nutrition reporting September 20, 2024 Happy Friday! I should say, “Buckle up, Buttercup," because for today's media critique, I’m going to take you on a bumpy ride. Because it’s a glorious late summer day (at least in my neck of the woods), let’s start on a positive note. Sometimes when I do research for an article, I end up with more good information than I can use in the allotted...

Can nutrition help with libido?

Food Noise from Carrie Dennett Can nutrition help with libido? Separating research and facts from mythology and placebo effects September 17, 2024 Every year that I actually remember to do an annual reader survey (which is most years) I get at least one question about whether nutrition can help increase libido, also known as sex drive. This wasn’t something I was ever going to write about for The Seattle Times, partly because commenters would have a field day (sigh). And it didn’t seem like...

Friday Food Noise Links + Recommendations

Food Noise from Carrie Dennett Friday Food Noise Links + Recommendations Including what I'm reading and watching September 13, 2024 Happy Friday! It’s been a busy week, what with the presidential debate and, 27 minutes later, Taylor Swift’s endorsement on Instagram of Kamala Harris, signed “Taylor Swift, Childless Cat Lady.” She posed with one of her cats, Benjamin Button (and, in case you’re not a Swiftie, her other cats are named Meredith Gray and Olivia Benson). Benjamin also posed with...

I'm a weight-inclusive nutrition therapist, author and journalist who is super serious about helping people have a more peaceful, less complicated relationship with food and body. I also have a take-no-prisoners approach to nutrition and health B.S. in the media. Yep, it's gonna get loud, but I'll also bring you a lot of, "Whew...that's good to know."