Start your journey to food peace and body trust today!

This free e-book from Carrie Dennett gives you inspiration and actionable ideas for being your best in the body you're in today!

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    Why Not Diet? 4 Reasons

    Why dieting gets in the way of forming lasting habits that support health, sucks up mental bandwidth you could spend on a lot of other things, and possibly even leads to binging.

    Dive Into Intuitive Eating

    Learn about this evidence-based, weight-neutral, health approach that teaches you how to build a healthy relationship with food, mind and body by learning to listen to, and trust, your body’s wisdom instead of relying on external rules for how and what to eat

    Self-Care Assessment

    Take a closer look at how you're taking care of your self right now, and reflecton what you can start doing today if you find that you could use a little more TLC..